Extrathane® PU wheels - VSTH series

With Blickle Extrathane® polyurethane tread and steel wheel centre

The tread of the VSTH series consists of the high-quality polyurethane Blickle Extrathane® and has a hardness of 92 Shore A. This is cast onto the steel wheel centre. The tread is particularly resistant to sharp obstacles.

Thanks to its robust design, the VSTH series is also suitable for carrying heavy loads, even with a very small wheel diameter. These are listed in the Compact castors section.

  • VSTH – Wheels

    Wheels in the VSTH series have diameters ranging between 35 and 80 mm. The wheels use a ball bearing.

    Wheel Ø

    Load capacity
    at 4 km/h
    Bearing type

    Axle bore Ø

    VSTH 35/6K 35 27 100 ball bearing 6 30
    VSTH 50/8K 50 33 150 ball bearing 8 36
    VSTH 60/15K 60 35 200 ball bearing 15 35
    VSTH 62/10K 60 60 320 ball bearing 10 60
    VSTH 65/15K 65 40 250 ball bearing 15 40
    VSTH 75/20K 75 40 270 ball bearing 20 40
    VSTH 80/20K 80 40 280 ball bearing 20 40
    VSTH 82/20K 80 70 500 ball bearing 20 70
  • VSTH – Swivel castors with plate

    Wheels in the VSTH series are available with the LH pressed steel bracket as swivel castors with a plate fitting:

    LH series: Pressed steel swivel bracket with top plate fitting, heavy duty design

    A detailed description of the bracket series is available in our guide.

    Wheel Ø

    Load capacity
    at 4 km/h
    Bearing type

    Total height

    Bolt hole
    hole Ø

    LH-VSTH 62K 60 60 320 ball bearing 92 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 45
    LH-VSTH 80K 80 40 280 ball bearing 120 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 45
    LH-VSTH 82K 80 70 500 ball bearing 112 100 x 85 80 x 60 9 45
  • VSTH – Fixed castors

    Blickle also provides castors with fixed brackets corresponding to the pressed steel swivel castor:

    BH series: Pressed steel fixed bracket with top plate fitting, heavy duty design

    A detailed description of the bracket series is available in our guide.

    Wheel Ø

    Load capacity
    at 4 km/h
    Bearing type

    Total height

    Bolt hole
    hole Ø
    BH-VSTH 80K 80 40 280 ball bearing 120 100 x 85 80 x 60 9
  • VSTH – Twin castors

    The wheels in the VSTH series can be provided as twin castors in combination with the following bracket types:

    LOD series: Heavy duty welded steel swivel bracket with top plate fitting
    BOD series: Heavy duty welded steel fixed bracket with top plate fitting
    LSD series: Heavy duty welded steel swivel bracket with top plate fitting, heavy duty swivel head
    BSD series: Heavy duty welded steel fixed bracket with top plate fitting, heavy duty design

    The differences between each bracket series are covered in detail in the guide.

    Wheel Ø

    Number of

    Load capacity
    at 4 km/h
    Bearing type

    Total height

    Bolt hole
    hole Ø

    BOD-VSTH 75K 75 40 2 500 ball bearing 123 140 x 110 105 x 75–80 11
    LOD-VSTH 75K 75 40 2 500 ball bearing 123 140 x 110 105 x 75–80 11 40
    BSD-VSTH 80K 80 40 2 520 ball bearing 125 140 x 110 105 x 75–80 11
    LSD-VSTH 80K 80 40 2 520 ball bearing 125 140 x 110 105 x 75–80 11 40

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