A few steps to the optimal product

Key terms for wheels and castors

1. Select your product.

Wheels, swivel and fixed castors or press-on bands / tyres can be used depending on the application. Swivel castors can rotate, while fixed castors run in a fixed direction. The castors can be attached using a top plate, bolt hole, stem, expander or plug-in pin. Information about the various fitting options is available here.

Product type

Wheel Swivel castor Fixed castor Press-on band_tyre


Top plate Bolt hole Stem ExpanderPlug-in pin

2. Determine the required load capacity.

The load capacity required for a wheel or castor is calculated by dividing the dead weight of the transport equipment and its additional weight by the number of supporting wheels or castors. The result is then multiplied by a safety factor dependent on the application conditions. Find out more about dynamic load capacity.



Load capacity formula

T = required load capacity per wheel or castor
E = dead weight of the transport equipment
Z = maximum additional weight
n = number of supporting wheels or castors
S = safety factor

3. Starting, rolling and swivel resistance. Manouevrability.

The starting, running and swivel resistance of a wheel or castor is largely dependent on the tread, wheel bearing, wheel Ø, overall load and the condition of the surface. Resistances are explained in detail here.

The manouevrability of a transport equipment is dependent on the quantity and type of the castors which are used, as well as how they are arranged. These factors in turn affect load capacity, manouevrability, control, cornering and stability. Find out more about manoeuvrability.
Low rolling resistance
• large wheel Ø
• hard tread
• high tread elasticity
• ball bearing
• hard, smooth surface

Low swivel resistance (swivel castors)
• hard tread
• crowned tread
• large offset
• hard, smooth surface

4. Corrosion resistance. Temperature resistance. Chemical resistance.

The service life and functionality of a wheel or castor depends to a certain extent on how well the materials used or their surface finish are capable of withstanding corrosion, temperature changes and chemical substances. Temperature and the duration of exposure are the most important factors.
Information about the chemical resistance of the different materials we use is provided in the table.

5. Select from a wide range of tread materials.

Hardness, shape and tread material have a significant impact on the operational comfort, smooth rolling performance and starting, rolling and swivel resistance of a wheel or castor. The tread (tyre) of a wheel should normally be softer than the surface. Otherwise the wheel may press into the surface and damage it. An overview of the different tread materials is available here.
Tread material Tread and tyre hardness
Pneumatic tyre, soft rubber Scale – one green dot
Elastic solid rubber, super-elastic solid rubber Scale – two green dots
Solid rubber, TPE, polyurethane 75 Shore A, silicone rubber Scale – three green dots
TPU, polyurethane 92 Shore A Scale – four green dots
Steel, cast iron, nylon, polypropylene, phenolic resin Scale – five green dots



Tread material Operating noise
Pneumatic tyre, soft rubber Scale – five green dots
Elastic solid rubber, super-elastic solid rubber Scale – four green dots
Solid rubber, TPE, polyurethane 75 Shore A, silicone rubber Scale – three green dots
TPU, polyurethane 92 Shore A Scale – two green dots
Steel, cast iron, nylon, polypropylene, phenolic resin Scale – one green dot



6. Select a wheel bearing type.

Selecting a suitable bearing will depend on the speed, load, environmental factors and the force required to move the transport equipment.

Plain bores are simple, but have an unfavourable friction coefficient. However, they have the worst coefficient of friction, leading to a relatively high starting and rolling resistance.
Roller bearings are robust, have a low rolling resistance and a small radial bearing clearance.
Ball bearings have the best starting and rolling properties, the smallest bearing clearance, a high load capacity and are also suitable for high speeds.
Please refer to the sections covering the different bearing types for more information.

Plain borePlain bore
Roller bearing Roller bearing
Ball bearingBall bearing

7. Select a suitable bracket, version and options.

The suitable bracket for every application and all requirements. Pressed steel bracket in standard, stainless steel or heat-resistant version, welded steel heavy-duty bracket with or without suspension, or elegant synthetic bracket.

The functionality of wheels or castors can be enhanced by using different versions or options. Wheel and swivel head brakes to prevent swivel castors rolling and rotating, foot guard for avoiding foot injuries, electrically conductive treads for protection against electrostatic discharge and many more.
A detailed list of Blickle bracket series is available here.
More information about the versions and options is available in the overview.
Swivel castor with
Swivel castor with
Swivel castor with
Swivel castor with
Fixed castor with top plate fitting and drum brake
Swivel castor with bolt hole and thread guard
Swivel castor with top plate fitting and foot guard
Swivel castor with directional lock
Swivel castor with

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