Blickle Academy

Under the slogan of “Moving Forward”, Blickle is announcing the founding of the Blickle Academy.

All employee development and continuing education measures of the Blickle Group shall be brought together within the Blickle Academy in the future. The Blickle Academy will function as the training provider for all Blickle employees as well as our international sales partners.

Over the coming months and years, the Blickle Academy will be successively expanded, and the range of available trainings and individual continuing education measures will be expanded in stages.

Alongside the training and seminar rooms as well as the Blickle Experience Center in the new administration building, additional space will be made available to the Blickle Academy in the former administration reception area at the start of 2024. This will include creative, training and seminar rooms suitable for in-person training, video conferencing, web-based training and focused learning.

Our goal with the Blickle Academy is to raise the skills of our employees – and thereby our company as well – under the motto of “Moving Forward”. As always, we will look to our Blickle Vision for inspiration: To be the best wheel and castor manufacturer to work with.

For more information about the goals and subject areas, we invite you to download our PDF flyer on the Blickle Academy here.

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